There are so many different multimedia solutions. Explore the possibilities below along with some of my work.


Promo Videos

A promo video is generally short and introduces your product, service, or company.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are animated videos that illustrate a product or service in a simplified way.

Recruitment Videos

A recruitment video gives insight into what it’s like to work for your company with the goal of recruiting applicants.

Social Content

Social content can be anything that strengthens your brand voice or promotes something. This content is usually short in the form of animations, films, photos, or gifs.


Cinemagraphs are moving photos, where only one part of the image is in motion and everything else is frozen.

Stop Motion

Stop motion is a type of animation where objects are physically moved in order to make it seem like they are moving on their own.

Logo Animations

Animating your logo helps bring it to life. These can be used in brand videos, on your website, during presentations, or anywhere else.

How-To Videos

Tutorial videos walk a viewer through the step-by-step process of how to use your product or service.

M.O.S. Interviews

M.O.S., or "man-on-the-street,” interviews gather answers to one question from lots of different people.


Timelapses speed up an action that happens over time, giving the viewer a glimpse into a change they wouldn’t normally be able to see.

Kinetic Type

Kinetic type is a type of animation that focuses on moving text to put emphasis on what’s being said.


A gif is an image file format that moves. It’s usually looping, and can be used in emails, on websites, on social media, or as loading icons.

UX Prototyping

When designing a website, UX prototyping helps explain what the movement of an element should look like when coded.

Event Videos

Event videos capture the most important moments of an occasion as a recap to look back on later, or if it’s a recurring event, as a promotion for the next event.

Hero Videos

Hero videos are brand introductions that are placed at the top of your website above the fold. Typically they do not have sound, but if they do, they are not set to autoplay.


Photos can be used on websites, social media, and in marketing campaigns. I can capture portraits, products, events, candids, food, animals, landscapes, and nature.

App Intro Videos

App intro videos are placed in a mobile application’s opening screen to welcome them and explain anything they need to know.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are a type of marketing video that showcase customer stories advocating for your product.

B.T.S. Videos

B.T.S., or “behind-the-scenes,” videos reveal how something was made or the process behind something.

Display Ads

Display ads are a type of online paid advertising that act as a button for viewers to click on and get redirected to more information.